Sunday 17 October 2010


The Year to be remembered offering culture, people and food. Beauty - and the East. The Government and people of Kelantan take this opportunity wishing all of you. There are endless, colorful programess specially prepared for our year throughout 2010. Be here at the right time and at the right place. There a lot to explore & experience the beauty of Kelantanese cultures. Welcome to our VISIT KELANTAN YEAR...
KELANTAN IS LOCATED at the north-east coast of Peninsular Malaysia facing the south China Sea and covers a land area of 14,922 sq km. Its state capital, Kota Bharu, is a bustling town well connected to other major towns in Malaysia serves as the center for Kelantan's administrative and business activities. Kelantan is famed for its unique cultural diversity, white sandy beaches, waterfalls and lush tropical jungle.

The Kelantan Tourist Information Centre and State Government are keen to promote eco-tourism while maintaining the delicate ecological balance in nature. Investors have the opportunity to set-up international class hotel and beach resort, restaurant, souvenir shop, sight seeing and tour operations meet the growing needs of increasing tourist's arrival.


  1. why in english? hehe..
    nasib baik bukan arab je :D

  2. heheee...copy paste jew tuh, mls nk tulis...nanti r, aku nk gak tulis dlm bhs arab...

  3. tolong ar. jgn tulis arab. xlarat nk terjemah. yang BI2 ni ko transelit la dlm BM. sng skit nk bc...

  4. time, bz skunk nih...
